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MLS csv2kml beta 1

MLS csv2kml takes the Membership.csv file that can be created from MLS (ask your Clerk for this file) and by simply dropping the file onto the running application, it will gather the information needed and construct a kml file that can be used with Google Earth to visualize all the members of your Ward or Branch. The file it creates is named Membership.kml and is always placed on your desktop when it’s finished.

NOTE: If you have a previous Membership.kml file already on your desktop, it will be overwritten.

The Membership.kml file can then be emailed to the leadership in the Ward or Branch who can use it. Please keep in mind that the kml file created contains peoples names and addresses and should be used with the same courtesy as a Ward or Branch phone book.

MLS csv2kml Screenshot

Target audience: MLS csv2kml was created for leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints to use as an aid in visualizing where all the members of their Ward or Branch are located.

Possible Uses:

  • Developing effective home-teaching and visiting-teaching plans. This should not replace prayerful consideration but should compliment it.
  • Creating logical Emergency and Disaster response plans.
  • Others, I’m sure…

System Requirements:

  1. Adobe® AIR™ runtime to be installed for Mac OS or Windows.
  2. An available internet connection – high speed is recommended but not required.
  3. Google Earth or similar application for viewing the kml files – download Google Earth here.

Additional support can be received by contacting me or viewing the FAQ.

The application can be downloaded from the Downloads menu on the left.


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